Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Endless Battle of Time

How does a jobless guy pass time?
Since the dawn of time, mankind has struggled to fight against boredom, there have been many sacrifices, but struggle is far from over.
Lately I, myself have been doing a lot of thinking to solve this million dollar problem once and for all!
It wasn't easy...I experimented with every activity I could think of...but the problem persisted!
I started my counter attacks by watching 50+ GB of movies, numerous TV series and cartoons that I had collected in college, just for times like this....but soon, they did run out!
Another very effective and most promising solution was...... the enchanting and bewitching "World of Warcraft"..... salutes to Blizzard Entertainment for providing a beacon of hope to millions of lost young souls out there. I was having a bawl, but it wasn't meant to last...as, soon the server shut down and I was lost again.
In dark times like these u can always count on one friend, as it is said "Books are a mans true friend". They did provide a lot of comfort and closure. I read everything I could get my hands on, a few books twice. Reading too many Sidney Sheldon's...turned his novels from awesome -> good -> boring and monotonous.
Finally I had no more new sources of books and no cash to buy new once, and so I am back to square one.
I shall not give up so easy, not so soon.
My latest quest in the pursuit of true cure to boredom is this, "BLOGGING".
I shall follow this with a lot many more, mindless and utterly useless posts, as I shall not give up!..and I request co operation of you all, as the problem in question is of utmost importance.

Thanks for your time.
Note - Criticism not welcome.

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